Rock Lake News!

Rock Lake News! In the last month, the kindergartens have been talking about the 5 senses and are learning to spell 3 letter words with flash cards and letter magnets. They are working on skip counting, finding 10 more and 10 less for numbers and subtraction. Our Kinders are a very eager class who just love to learn! The other early years students are writing another book, this time it is a book patterned off the picture book Stuck by… Read More

in: School updates

Kindergarten Registration for 2024/25

Kindergarten registration for next school year is open until November 27th.  Children who will reach their fifth birthday by December 31st, 2024 are eligible to attend Kindergarten in the 2024/25 school year.  Please contact your Teaching Principal for registration information.

in: Uncategorized

At Kelsey School, on Sturgeon Creek Colony, we have learned about Truth and Reconciliation Day.  We are grateful for the lives we are blessed with, at home with our families, and school staff who care about us. We learned about Phyllis Webstad and her favourite orange shirt, bought by her kookum.  We were able to connect similarities in our lives to others, through differences in language, clothing, food, culture and beliefs.  We have learned that Every Child Matters, especially to… Read More

in: Uncategorized

The Life cycle of a butterfly ~ Omega School~

Omega students are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly first hand. We watched caterpillars eat a bunch first. One day, we found one caterpillar in its chrysalis. By the end of the day, all five of our caterpillars were in cocoons! We will wait excitedly to see the beautiful butterflies emerge!

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