January has been busy and we are settling back into routines after our very successful Christmas Concert.  Students benefit from concerts by developing their speaking and singing skills in front of an audience and the community has the opportunity to come together to remember the reason for the season.  The time preparing and practicing is time well spent.

The high school students have been studying drama in the form of a play.  They have created some marvelous character sketches and have been discovering the conflict created in a jury.  High school HITV has been going very well and students are finishing up courses and preparing for the second term.

The Early Years students have been enjoying many hands-on projects in Social Studies to enhance their understanding.  One group is learning about Vikings and made replicas of Viking longships, figures with clothing, and did some weaving.  The other group is studying Early Settler life and made beeswax candles and a covered wagon.  They have also been working on their stitching skills with ornaments.

Middle Years students have created dioramas to illustrate their understanding of their novels, “Underground To Canada”, which they presented to the class.  We have also been building our writing skills with some quick writes from visuals and students will then pick one to polish into a descriptive paragraph.

We read “Snowmen At Night” and students were inspired to create their own Snowmen Art project.


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