Rock Lake News!

In the last month, the kindergartens have been talking about the 5 senses and are learning to spell 3 letter words with flash cards and letter magnets. They are working on skip counting, finding 10 more and 10 less for numbers and subtraction. Our Kinders are a very eager class who just love to learn! The other early years students are writing another book, this time it is a book patterned off the picture book Stuck by Oliver Jeffers. The middle years students displayed their art and writing skills with an assignment called “Road Trip.” Look for these on the bulletin boards at our school. Grades 5-9 have also been assigned an end of year power point project about their favourite places on the colony. The students are looking forward to Portfolio Day in June as they are eager to show off their accomplishments from the year!

Our Early Years students worked hard at researching, planning, writing and editing their own non-fiction animal books this year.  They are very excited about their finished products.

Paper replicas of pioneer style (mail order house, Mennonite house/barn, sod house) homes made by Middle Years social studies class.

Our students enjoy practicing math skills on vertical white boards around the classroom.

The MY class combined their art and writing talents on a project entitled Road Trip.

Spring artwork from students in grades 1 to 8.


in: School updates